This conference is about systemic practice in the areas of social and community work, family and couple therapy, psychotherapy and medicine, coaching, supervision and organizational development and societal issues.

Beside important systemic innovations and challenges in systemic practice, theory and research the conference will focus with a resilience and empowerment perspective on societal and relevant topics, such as migration, social justice, trauma, post-covid era, different forms of discrimination (e.g. sexism, racism, classism), political authoritarianism and intra-family violence.



NEW Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
NEW Proposal evaluation results: April 7, 2025
Early/Group Registration:
March 31, 2025
Preliminary Program announcement: May 31, 2025

Proposals are welcomed for the following events:


Detailed information on each proposal type can be found by clicking on the relevant link below.  


Simultaneous translation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish the first day (we have an agreement that more languages will be provided if the attendants in that language reach 100 people).

Other sessions, symposia, round tables, workshop will be handed over in the language chosen by the presenter (either French, English or Spanish), with consecutive translation into one of the other languages provided by a volunteer chosen by the speaker, whenever possible. If the speaker cannot bring a person to translate, please inform us. Please specify the language of the presentation.


  • Proposals must be submitted electronically using the online form.
  • Submissions can be made in English, French, or Spanish.
  • Detailed information on each proposal type and the relevant PROPOSAL FORM can be found by clicking on the relevant link
  • Abstracts should include a brief but informative description of both the content and method of presentation. The abstract should not exceed 200 words.
  • Authors must indicate which (1) Conceptual pillar and (2) Subject area that best relate to their presentation during submission. At least one option from each category may be chosen.
  • Authors should describe the learning objectives of the presentation and the skills that participants can acquire from the submitted proposal. We strongly encourage the inclusion of dialogical and interactive elements. In approximately 150-200 words, explain how they plan to integrate these aspects into the event format.
  • As EFTA/ RELATES it is a strong perspective of us to pay attention to equality, inclusivity and diversity/social justice: we want to invite you to consider these issues in your contribution.
  • Each author may be the main author for up to two events of any type and may participate as a co-author in up to three presentations.
  • At least one author from each accepted submission must register early for their contribution to be included in the conference program.
  • Accepted proposals will be published in an electronic book of abstracts.
  • The abstract of each type of presentation should be in the following format:

(Times New Roman, size 12, bold, center alignment)

Authors & Affiliations
(Times New Roman, size 10, italics, center alignment)

The abstract text should be a single continuous paragraph, written in Times New Roman, size 10, with 1.5 line spacing, and 2.5 cm margins on the left and right, fully justified, in order to be published in an electronic booklet.

As systemic practitioners, we often operate "between worlds," making it difficult to choose just one pillar. Therefore, you are invited to select at least one or more pillars that best align with your presentation.

Practice: For example, techniques, strategies, approaches, and methods used in systemic intervention.

Theory: For example, discussion and explanation of theoretical models, exploration of key concepts, recent developments in the field of systemic thinking, reflection on epistemological foundations and ethical principles underpinning systemic practices.

Research: For example, study results, empirical findings, evidence-based practices, empirical studies, methodology and/or research results, program evaluations, literature reviews.


Certain topics can fall under multiple subject areas. For instance, change, aggression, and violence towards others can be classified differently based on the approach:

For example, violence can be addressed from different perspectives: in health (intimate violence), in social work (prevention for young offenders), in organizational development (workplace violence), and in societal issues (societal perspective on violence).

When submitting your proposal, please specify your approach to ensure proper classification.


In a symposium, professionals engage in dialogue, sharing their knowledge and perspectives on a specific issue. This format allows for an in-depth examination of the topic from multiple viewpoints, grounded in solid research.

Symposia typically consist of 3 to 4 presentations, along with a contribution and a discussion led by a discussant from a different specialty or approach. We encourage conveners to include contributors from various countries or institutions to foster diverse perspectives.

The focus is not on reading papers but on engaging in dialogue, drawing connections, raising questions, highlighting key issues, and engaging the audience. We welcome controversies and differences that make a difference. 

Conveners should submit an abstract for the proposed symposium as well as for each individual presentation. The proposal form must include the name and affiliation of the discussant, who should come from a different organization than the convener, as well as the names and affiliations of all presenters. Please note that each participant must register individually if the symposium is accepted.

Duration: Each symposium is scheduled for 90-120 minutes, with 20-30 minutes allocated for each presentation/intervention (depending on the number of presentations) and 30-40 minutes reserved for discussion, including audience participation.

In a Round Table, professionals engage in dialogue, sharing their knowledge and views on a specific theme. This format provides an opportunity to examine the topic in depth from multiple perspectives, based on sound research. Round Tables typically consist of 4 to 5 presentations, followed by a collective discussion that enhances the presentations and is an integral part of the session. We encourage conveners to bring together contributors from different countries or institutions to foster diverse perspectives.

The focus is not on reading papers but on engaging in dialogue, drawing connections, raising questions, highlighting key issues, and engaging the audience. We welcome controversies and differences that make a difference. 

Conveners of Round Tables should submit an abstract for the proposed session, as well as for each individual presentation. The proposal must include the name and affiliation of the discussant, who should be from a different organization than the convener, along with the names and affiliations of all presenters. Please note that each participant must register individually if the Round Table is accepted.

Duration: Each Round Table is scheduled for 120 minutes, with 20 minutes allocated for each presentation and 20-40 minutes for collective discussion, depending on the number of presentations.


Workshops offered by one or more experts in a particular area constitute one of the core elements of the conference. These workshops aim to actively engage participants in enriched learning processes, helping them connect new theories and skills with their professional practice. They provide a context for experiential, interactive, and "learning through doing and sharing" events.

We particularly welcome creative workshops that utilize innovative formats and encourage active and varied participation. In the abstract, please specify the procedures to be followed and how interactional, experiential learning, or skill training will be facilitated.

Workshops are usually designed for a limited number of participants to ensure high-quality interaction. Please indicate the maximum number of participants and their required level of professional experience (low, middle, high).

Duration: Each workshop is scheduled for 90 minutes. (The organizing committee reserves the right to adjust the duration of the submissions if needed).


An oral communication is an oral presentation on a recent development in family therapy and systemic work. It may refer to a research study, clinical intervention, systemic practice, or the development of tools and methodologies.

The open session consists of a specific number of these presentations, allowing time for audience discussion.

Duration: Each presentation is allocated 15 minutes, while the entire open session is scheduled for 90 minutes, including a final 30-minute discussion with the audience.

To make discussions more relevant and encourage further collaboration, the scientific committee will group oral communications by theme.


Presentations of clinical cases and supervision: Sessions during which presenters share detailed clinical cases and receive live supervision and feedback from experts in the field.

Sessions dedicated to the theoretical and technical discussion of situations presented using video supports. These sessions focus on the theoretical and technical discussion around clinical situations presented with video recordings. Presenters share concrete situations via recordings, allowing participants to analyze and discuss interventions in real time. This format facilitates a deep understanding of the techniques used and the underlying theoretical concepts, enriching the learning experience through a visual and interactive approach.

The EFTA 2025 ‘Poster Agora’ is a forum designed to foster interactions among researchers and practitioners. This event offers conference attendees an opportunity to learn informally about innovative work and ongoing research in the field of family and systemic therapy and interventions.

We are particularly interested in:

- Quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, auto-reflexive research, and ethnographic research involving couples and families.

- Research illustrating interventions with families or couples within larger systems.

- Research on the training, formation, and supervision of family therapy and systemic practitioners.

- Research on interventions in larger systems. (institutions, collectivities, communities?)

Poster sessions involve displaying research or intervention procedures and results visually, within a designated space and time, with presenters available for audience interaction.

Preparing the Poster:

- Posters should be approximately 92 cm (36 in) wide by 122 cm (48 in) high.

- Posters will be accepted in English / French / Spanish

- Authors are responsible for posting and removing their posters from the specified area. Posting materials will be provided by the Conference Technical Secretariat.

- We recommend that presenters provide a two-page document in English/Spanish/French for interested delegates.

Posters will be reviewed based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. At least one author of each accepted poster must attend the conference and present their work during the interactive session.

To encourage high-quality submissions, awards will be presented for the best poster and the best student/trainee poster.


Presenters are encouraged to propose the format (e.g., film, play, game, exhibition, dance, or other) in which they wish to present, specifying the time, space, and equipment requirements. Open format submissions aim to enhance the conference’s scientific program with unique and ‘out of the box’ presentation formats.

To enhance the interactive and experiential learning aspects of the congress, proposals are invited for:

- Inter-university forums: Collaborative sessions involving multiple universities, promoting the exchange of research, educational strategies, and fostering academic partnerships.

- Interactive art and performance sessions: Integrating artistic elements such as live performances, art installations, and multimedia presentations to creatively explore systemic themes.

- Scenario-Based Workshops: Practical sessions where participants engage in role-playing and simulations to practice and refine their therapeutic skills.

- Networking and collaboration platforms: Sessions designed to facilitate networking, idea exchange, and collaborative project development among participants from different institutions and backgrounds.




The proposals received will be evaluated by two independent reviewers based on the following elements according their type of presentation:

• New ideas grounded in scientific literature and research
• Clarity of theoretical premises and argument 
• Encouraging interaction and experiential learning
• Clarity and systematicity in research methodology, where applicable
• Innovative forms of presentation
• Reflecting collaboration with colleagues from different countries, institutions, professions is highly encouraged. 
• Drawing a connection between the presentation and one or more of the conceptual pillars will be appreciated

It is noted that in cooperation with the main author the scientific committee bears the responsibility of adapting the type of proposal to fit best into the conference programme.