Organizing Associations

European Family Therapy Association (EFTA)

The European and Latin American Network of Systemic Schools was founded in Guadalajara (Mexico) in July 2005, with the aim of disseminating Systemic Family Therapy throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Promoted by the Family Therapy Schools of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona and the Basque-Navarre School of Family Therapy in Bilbao, sponsoring members of the Network, it brings together Systemic Training Centers from both sides of the Atlantic.

The DIPHE (Développement, Individu, Processus, Handicap, Éducation) research unit arose from the desire of eight teacher-researchers in the Psychology of Development, Education and Vulnerability (PsyDÉV) department to unite around a common research project. The laboratory was officially created in November 2017, under the supervision of Université Lyon 2. The team brings together researchers developing research whose work aims to better understand the psychological issues, needs, resources and adaptation processes put in place by developing subjects confronted with life experiences that make them fragile. Research focuses mainly on populations at risk of significant vulnerability, either due to personal health-related factors (disability, developmental disorders, aging, illness, etc.), or due to life-course, cultural, social and/or family characteristics (family characteristics, etc.). In 2024, the laboratory will comprise 9 permanent teaching/research members, 12 associate members and a manager.

Université Lumière Lyon 2
Supporting Associations

The Institut de Formation et d'Application des Thérapies de la Communication (IFATC) was founded in 1980 by a group of psychiatrists, educators, psychologists and social workers, including Dr Reynaldo Perrone, Psychiatrist, and Liliana Perrone, Clinical Psychologist.
IFATC is a teaching center, offering training courses, seminars, conferences and symposia for practitioners working with families in the clinical, psychosocial and legal fields. Over 19,000 professionals have been trained, and hundreds of interventions are carried out each year at IFATC or in partner institutions.The institute is the bearer of strategic and narrative practice in human systems interventions.
IFATC is directed by Estelle D'Ambrosio, mediator and systemic therapist. Reynaldo Perrone, psychiatrist and systemic therapist, is Director of Studies. Yara Doumit-Naufal, social worker and systemic therapist, is the Pedagogical Manager.
An extension of the Institute is currently operating in Clermont Ferrand, under the responsibility of Boris Socat, specialized educator and systemic therapist. IFATC has three UDCF (Unité de Développement des Compétences Familiales) consultation centers, in Lyon, Meyzieu and Clermont Ferrand, where a team of 15 professionals specializing in systemic therapy work daily with families, couples and individuals.